Hiring for success

People. People are the most important element of any business. We all know it. It’s not new news. The recruitment industry is built off of this - in 2018 it valued at £35 billion in the UK alone.

The issue is that when I looked at the industry I realised that too often success within recruitment doesn’t align with the long term needs of candidates or companies. If people are the heartbeat of every organisation, then why are most recruitment professionals so focused on the short term? The here and the now?  The priority is on filling a role - putting bums on seats. Metrics measuring job fill and retention rates are poor markers of long term success.

Have you ever employed or worked in an organisation where somebody has stayed in their role longer than they should have?

When I have recruited people in the past, I’ve always considered somebody a successful hire based on their performance in the role - not whether or not they have joined the business!

Recruitment should always be conducted with a purpose. We hire for a reason; a problem that needs to be solved, an opportunity that cannot be missed. Surely it’s time to start measuring hiring success against this? To start measuring success against the performance of a new hire in their role, their impact and cultural integration into your business.  


5 steps to hiring success