5 steps to hiring success

It’s time to start aligning your recruitment and talent functions with the long term success and goals of your organisation.

People are the most important element of any business. We all know it. It’s not new news. But, if people are the heartbeat of every organisation, then why is recruitment so often focused on the short term? The here and the now? The priority is on filling a vacancy. 

Recruitment should be conducted with a purpose. We hire for a reason; a problem that needs to be solved, an opportunity that cannot be missed. 

Recruitment is only successful when your new hire is happy in their role, has solved your reason for hiring, integrated into your culture, and is adding real value. Success is based on the quality of the long-term impact. Start focusing on the big picture. 

1. Understand what success looks like

Why are you recruiting? What is the purpose of the role? What impact will this role have on your business? On your mission? In a year, how will you know if your new hire has been a success? What will they need to achieve for you to consider them a success? 

Start with the end in mind. Don't just build a list of tasks that your new hire will be carrying out. Start thinking about what you want the new hire to achieve.

2. Gain alignment

Make sure that everybody involved in hiring and managing this person is on the same page. Everybody should understand why you are hiring and what you want your new hire to achieve. 

3. Interview based on what matters

Your interview process should be designed to identify the candidate's who can get the job done (complete and exceed the outcomes you expect), add to the culture of the business, and have the right motivational fit for the role and company. So, cut out the gut feelings and start interviewing around these areas. 

Take the outcomes you are hoping your new hire will achieve and interview candidates around these areas. Ask candidate’s about their experiences and past performance in these areas and compare how this relates to your expectations and business needs. 

Take an honest look at the culture of your business. What are your values? What is your mission? Interview candidates around these areas. Look for candidates that align with who you are as a business and what you are trying to achieve. Look for candidates that will add to your culture and business. 

4. Be honest

Interviewing is a two-way street; you are interviewing potential new hires and candidates are interviewing potential new employers. Make sure you sell the opportunity and business to candidates - but at all times ensure you are honest. 

Be painstakingly honest, tell potential new hires exactly what to expect if they were to start in your business - the good and the bad. 

5. Recognise that hiring the right people is only half the battle 

Bringing the right people into your organisation is crucial for success. However, this is a building block for high performance, great teams and success. 

Don't assume that just hiring a fantastic candidate will instantly solve your business goals. 

How you onboard and integrate your new hire has a major impact on performance, and how effectively you manage them can make all the difference. 

Give your new hires the tools to succeed in their role. Encourage, motivate, and empower them. Create an environment for success. 


Phone interview checklist


Hiring for success